ICode Pittsburgh | Kids Out and About Pittsburgh

ICode Pittsburgh

Multiple Locations
Pittsburgh , PA , 15238
Phone: (631) 988-3694
40° 27' 7.9884" N, 79° 56' 59.9424" W
Contact name: 
Vanessa Torres
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Seasons / holidays: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
iCode Summer campers immerse themselves in a world of coding, robotics, drones, and design. Our camps are perfect for kids who have great imaginations, enjoy solving challenges or simply love technology. Moreover, summer camps are a great way to gain insight into our year-round curriculum. Find the perfect fit for your child’s interest and skill level.


Visit our high-tech labs to find kids deep in thought, having fun, brainstorming ideas and working hard at projects. Their experience is fueled by a rigorous and structured curriculum. Our students learn skills in coding and design and then apply to these concepts to develop ideas. Every course segment ends with a project. As a result, they are encouraged to think critically and use their imagination – skills they can use to excel wherever life and their passions take them.